This blog post is sponsored by Spotify, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
One thing I’ve learned throughout my journey of motherhood is that a bedtime routine for our kids is so important. Bedtime had been a struggle for us, and when we finally decided to incorporate a solid bedtime routine with the help of @Spotify Kids, that’s when the game changed. A good routine helps with two things - your kiddos will have a good night’s rest and that if you’re lucky, you may get a moment or two to yourself, a kid-free hour or two! Haha. All jokes aside, I love having a routine in place because we are always on the go, and the hour before bed is such a sweet bonding moment for my husband, the kids and I. While everyone’s routines may vary, I’m excited to share ours with you.
Spotify Kids is a standalone app designed for the next generation of listeners and intended for kids ages 3+. The app is exclusive to Spotify Premium Family subscribers and once you upgrade or subscribe, you can download Spotify Kids in the App Store on your phone or tablet. It’s an ad-free experience where young listeners can explore singalongs, soundtracks and stories either on their own, or with family.

Our bedtime routine breakdown:
So, first things first. My husband JD and I had to decide on a fair bedtime for the kids. We chose 9:00 PM because our kids are somewhat night owls, but it can vary from family to family. Once we settled on a time, we realized that we needed to start earlier with our bedtime routine, so we now start shifting gears and preparing for bed around 8:05pm each night.
Bath time kicks off our routine. The kids get really excited about bath time because they know we will be listening to some of our favorite playlists on the #SpotifyKids app while getting fresh and clean in the tub! We sing everything from ‘Nursery Rhymes,’ to songs on the ‘Girl Power’ playlist and our favorite ‘Disney Jams.’ It’s our fun time.
After bath time, we put on our PJs and brush our teeth. Idk about your kids, but mine think they are having a concert every single time they brush their teeth. Haha it’s so sweet. The Spotify Kids app even has a ‘Daily Routine’ playlist, with some cute songs to make brushing their teeth more enjoyable! Next, we head to their room for story time! Letting them pick out what story they want can definitely be tricky. Madison and Olivia both each usually end up picking the same one every night. What can I say, they are creatures of habit. Luckily, the Spotify Kids app has definitely brought some new audio stories to our nightly routine. We usually cuddle on the floor with the lights dimmed, and listen to an audio story playing in the background.
After story time, the kids are usually ready to get in bed! But before getting in bed, this is the time we do the final potty breaks! This part has gotten easier with each night that goes by.
Next, we say our prayers together and then name some things we are thankful for. Then, it’s unlimited goodnight kisses for 5-10 minutes! It’s personally one of my favorite moments of the evening.
When they are all winded down and ready to go to sleep, Liv typically requests “Itsy Bitsy Spider” and Maddy just knows she wants some lullabies to lull her off to sleep. The song has been saved to Olivia’s “Favorites” playlist on the Spotify Kids app, and within 5 minutes the kids are down for the count.

Our bedtime routine takes about an hour from start to finish, give or take some time depending on how hectic or chill our day was. It took us awhile to figure out a routine that really worked for us. I know every family’s lifestyle is different, and what works for us, may not work for you and your kids. However, it may! This is just a blueprint, but feel free to adjust it as needed.

I remember the days that we had no routine, and it seemed like the kids were always up! Haha. It was tough, but I can honestly say that I think we’ve finally found something that works, and I think adding the Spotify Kids app to the routine was just what we needed to make bedtime routine a breeze.
As always, thanks so much for reading! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me or DM me!
Brittney Fusilier